Tools for Cycle Charting with TCOYF

Taking Charge of Your Fertility (Revised Edition)(TCOYF)
by Toni Weschler
This book that was recommended to me by my good friend Jen. I never actually knew how my reproductive cycle worked in my own body until I read this book. This book should be required for all females! All the "dirty little secrets" the nuns never taught you in your junior high sex ed class! I actually now know when I am fertile and when I am not - what a freedom to have that natural power over your reproductive life without the hormones from the pill. (Not that I am dissing the pill or anything but that is another post.)
Even if you aren't TTC (trying to conceive) this book is a must have to know your body.

Ovusoft TCOYF Software
Now if you are charting your cycles then you must have this program! This program will calculate your due date and predict your cycles too!
I also have a few favoite gadgets to put the the TTC shopping list if you are making one:

Fertal Focus Saliva Ovulation Fertility Test

Fertility Blend Suppliments For Women

Fertility Blend Suppliments For Men

LH Ovulation Test Strips

Please note that the above products are ones that I am using - I am not saying that you have to use these products or that they definitively work nor an I receiving anything from the sale of these products. This info is just here as an FYI.
I completely agree. Knowing how my body works is a very liberating thing. To think that I can be incharge of my reproduction and not relay on synthetic hormones is wonderful.
I haven't read this particular book, but there are lots of others out on the market.
We were a little confused by the books we had read, so we actually took a series of classes. The classes are taught by the couple to couple league. They are a Catholic organization but they teach the methods to noncatholics and don't try to convert them or anything. I found the information from them to be the most comprehensive.
I believe the TCOYF mentions the Couple to Couple League, which probably teached natural family planning - it's my understanding that it is very similar to FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) but during your fertile days you use a barier method of contraception if you aren't trying to conceive.
I found that the TCOYF software made charting really super easy and I can upload my charts to the web so the husband can look at them too.
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