Say Cheese!
Little Man has been liking to sit in his Bumbo chair. This chair is amazing! In the pic below he is trying to be like his Daddy and be a photo journalist. I guess you can never be too young to learn a skill.
On other fronts, we have discovered that Little Man loves to watch his Baby Einstein DVD. Very scary since I don't want to just park him in front of the TV all the time to be a baby sitter. But I figured that a 25 min baby video wasn't going to corrupt him too much. He absolutely loved his Baby Mozart video - I guess we are going to have to start to get used to children's television programming. The good thing is though that we can control what he see's and for how long - at least for now.
I have heard other parents describe the Baby Einstein DVD videos as "baby crack" - god help us!
"Say cheese Mommy!"