Friday, July 28, 2006

Starting to Freak Out

It is starting to come down to the wire now. The house search is underway on full steam ahead. We even have LogoAnn doing recon work before we get to Ohio next week! We have it narrowed down to 26 houses right now. All are $150k or under. I can't even explain how exciting it is to know that maybe one of the houses in our search is going to actually be our home where hopefully if we are lucky enough - our kids will grow up!

Also bubbling under the surface getting ready for a full freak out is the fact that once we put an offer on a house and have it under contract - we will be telling the parental units. I am not quite sure that I am ready for that but the week in Ohio is going to be such a week to grow that we might as well do that too! Our realtor's goal is to have our house under contract before we leave Ohio.

Oh my god - did I mention I was ready to freak out?

I'll be sure to post pics of THE house as soon as I actually know which one it is.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Oh My gosh! Yesterday I thought we had 12 more weeks left but it is only 8! [Insert heart palpatations and hyperventalating here.] In fact as of today I only have 36 more days that I have to work. No I really like my job - really. Ok I can't wait to give my notice but I do like the work it's just my boss that blows. I guess that is pretty typical though.

The boxes are here and it's time to start purging and packing!

Monday, July 17, 2006

14 More Days . . .

Only 14 more Work Days till I fly off to Ohio to actually go look at houses and hopefully even purchase one!!!! EEEKKKKK! We are going to buy a house! Oh my gosh! I am so excited I can barely contain myself! Not only that but I get to see my closest friend and my sister! I can't wait to see what houses will actually still be in our search by the time I leave for Ohio casue one of them will end up actually being MINE!

Monday, July 10, 2006

To Tell or Not to Tell

So we are quickly apporaching the actual house hunt and we haven't yet told our families officially. Only a few close friends and even fewer family members know. So when do you think we should make the announcement of the move?

A) Wait till we actually find a house.
B) Wait will we are actually going to move.
C) Wait till we are in Ohio.
D) Just invite everyone to our new house in Nov. for Thanksgiving and tell them then.
E) Don't tell them at all - keep our CA cell phones numbers and just wait till we are pregnant and tell everyone everything together. - Less phone calls that way.
F) Tell people when I give my work notice.
G) Tell people now.

The thing I want to avoid is people asking "Well if you are moving are you pregnant too?" - that would hurt especially if we aren't pregnant when we move.

Please vote!