Friday, April 20, 2007

The Great Baby Migration of 2007

Every morning the baby and I have a routine . . . and if we are lucky it all goes according to mommy's dabolical plan.

4:00 AM Diaper Change, quick wet wipe rub down, and removal of warm bedtime clothing that Daddy dressed him in

4:15 AM Beastfeed for at least 10 min - to a max of 30 min (at 30 min we get to warm, cuddly, and sleepy

4:45 AM Bottle Suppliment of 2.5-3 oz (may include some pumped breastmilk)

5:15 AM Burp and Fall Asleep (the baby of course not me)

5:30 AM Pump

6:15 AM If baby is still asleep - run downstairs to feed cat and self

6:30 AM Hurry up and take a shower and dress

7:00 AM (Hopefully baby is still asleep or may be waking up again now) Pack up the night's used bottles, and ANYTHING you think you may need during the day - you might not get to come back upstairs until bedtime again. Packing usually includes, extra clothing, diapers, wipes, coldie bottle pack, bottles, blankets, and binkies (pacifiers of thoses not in the know), and burp clothes.

** Note - Sometimes this takes several trips and you have to be very skillul to carry all of this while carrying the sleeping tot in the baby carrier, becasue Daddy is either still sleeping or is working and can't help.

The Great Baby Migration happens twice a day - everyday and takes much planning and preparation. Once to start the day and once to end the day. Mommy only has once to do it right then the crying and fussiness begins so you quickly larn all the gear you will need during your shift.

If you haven't witnessed or experinced The Great Baby Migration I highly recommend a planning session otherwise you will be running all over the house trying to gather what you think you need amidst the blood curdling screams of your tot.


Ok I am totally a mom guilty of too much baby holding. Here's how you know you are holding the baby too long. You will forego eating, drinking, and taking care of your own bodily functions to hold the baby even if he is just fine and is sleeping and can be put down. Another hint of baby holding guilt is the willingness to forego your own comfortable sleep even though you are already sleep deprived to hold a sleeping baby who can be put down. Another hint that you are holding the baby way too long is that by the time you actually feel ok putting the baby down it is time for the baby to wake up and eat again thus resulting in waking up the baby and starting the whole routine from scratch.

Yup I am totally guilty!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Miracle Cleaner

Ok this is going to sound gross and I swore I would never do it myself but I have found myself cleaning the Baby's face with saliva. I am not talking about licking like a kitty cat does . . .just a dab on the en of a finger will do.

I am now convinved that when given the fact that the child is sleeping and you don't want to rock the boat and risk a crying meltdown the saliva trick works just fine. I now know that the only people who think that this is unreasonable are people without children becasue if you have kids you must admit you have done it at least once to get rid of a random speck of something that shouldn't be on your child's face.

Random thoughts from a new mom when the Baby is sleeping . . .

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Where is the Milk Man?

Well it is 12AM and I am so very tired so after this I promise to sleep - really . . .

Anyways the current baby issue is low milk supply. I am doing what all the breastfeeding books say to do. I have talked with the lactation consultant. I am pumping with the hospital grade pump and breastfeeding the baby every 2-3 hours. And now the doctor has prescribed REGLAN to help increase my supply.

I guess you are supposed to make around 600 ML of breastmilk a day but I am probably getting less then 200 ML. It is so depressing and everyone wants to give advise . . . So right now the necessary evil is Simulac formula but I am adding the little bit of breastmilk that I am getting.

Oh I survived the family visit the other week. I only wish the baby's grandma would have listened to us on our wishes - by not giving the baby more formula than he was supposed to have or by sabbotaging my breastfeeding by giving him suppliment right before I am supposed to breastfeed or by holding the baby ALL through the night and not putting him in his crib. We don't want him to want to be held EVERY time he sleeps. We would never get anything done or sleep if we had to hold the baby 24/7! Don't get me wrong - we love to hold the baby but when you are so tired you get scared you will drop the baby - the crib and carseat are wonderful places!

Right now the husbabd and I are still extremely sleep deprived. We dream of getting an uninterruped stint of sleep that is more than 1 hour long. So if anyone wants to come and babysit while we sleep . . .

Well I guess I should try to close my eyes for a few minutes.

A very sleep deprived new mom signing off . . .