Oh My gosh! Yesterday I thought we had 12 more weeks left but it is only 8! [Insert heart palpatations and hyperventalating here.] In fact as of today I only have 36 more days that I have to work. No I really like my job - really. Ok I can't wait to give my notice but I do like the work it's just my boss that blows. I guess that is pretty typical though.
The boxes are here and it's time to start purging and packing!

Now remember, when you are deciding what to get rid of... pretend I'm there with you. If you haven't used it in over a year, you don't need it anymore! That's the golden rule. If it's ripped, stained or doesn't fit, you don't need it anymore!
I once had a friend who packed wire hangers left over from her dry cleaning and a box full of used shopping bags from department stores.
The one box that put me over the edge, as I helped her unpack, was the 7 phones she was saving, none of which worked.
I agree with logoann...follow her advice!
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