Western vs. Eastern Medicine
So we are all very familiar with Western Medicine - treating the symptoms and not the causes. Have back pain? Take a muscle relaxer - take some pain meds. Nevermind the fact that one of you vertebra is out of alignment and is causing the problem and you could see a chiropractor to adjust the subluxation and have a massage to loosen up the muscles so they will hold the correct position of your vertebrae and fix the cause so the symptoms will also dissapear.
The same happens with fertility or infertility. Say you have a short Luteal Phase so even if you fertilize your egg then your uterus lining ejects itself before the fertilized egg can even implant itself into the lining. The cause - could be progesterone deficiency. Western Medicine gives you progesterone pills or progesterone vaginal gel inserts to super boost your projesterone levels.
If you are having trouble with your estrogen and don't ovulate regularly or don't have quality eggs Western Medicine hypes you up on Clomid for example to hyper stimulate your ovaries and ovulate multiples of eggs at one time. In theory to get a good quality egg. But what does this do to your other hormone levels when you throw one way out of whack? Clomid also typically causes your cervical fluid (mucus), that the sperm need to swim through, to dry up making it impossible for the sperm to even get to the multitudes of eggs that the Clomid made your ovaries release.
Eastern Medicine - works with the entire body mind and body including nutrition to balance your hormone levels naturally through accupressure or acupuncture and herbal/vitamin suppliments along with diet and exercise.
Doesn't it just make more sense to treat the whole person adn not just the symptom?
I am currently reading The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis Ph.D.

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