I didn't want to wake up this morning - I just wanted to continue my dream. I was dreaming that I had a baby - it was a boy and I was just so happy cooing to him and playing with him and changing his diaper while I worried about the dreaded "sprinkler effect". Of course there are no smells in dreams so it was odor free thankfully!
I just felt so much love in this dream for the baby! I guess maybe it means that it will be ok whether I have a girl or a boy. I think the husband was bit worried about that. He didn't want me to be disappointed with a boy. I don't think I would be - well maybe just a smidge but I am sure it would wear off as soon as I fell in love with the baby which I am sure would be immediately!
I just finished reading The Infertility Diet. I am not so sure if the husband will like the vegetarian diet but I think I will try a few recipies from it. Yum kale and wheat germ . . . well we'll see.

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