1st Dr Appt. - Week 6
I have my very first prenatal appointment today. I am a bit nervous becasue I have never had a guy doctor but I am sure it will all be fine. I just got off the phone with the nurse, who took a brief medical history. She seemed really nice. I hope she is there during the actual physical exam.
I am a bit worried about all the prenatal testing. Since this doctor is a high risk OBGYN / Perinatolist they do a lot of testing for chromosomal abnormalities - I hope they don't freak me out.
Plus to make things worse this morning I was dreaming about a bright spot of red blood - so then I had to go check when I woke up - no blood - wheww.
A note from my little passenger:
I have graduated from being the size of a sesame seed and grain of rice and am now the size of an M&M! I am busy with my new little heart beating and growing. If you look really close you might see the spots for my little eyes. My spine is growing fast this week too. I am so busy that I am really making my Mommy tired, but I don't think she minds that much.

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