Baby Shower Madness!
The Baby's Shower was yesterday. We had such a good time seeing everyone and visiting! Phatfrog even flew out for the occasion from California. She helped me organize the shower aftermath, so I'll be able to start work on the TY cards this week.
I think the number one question yesterday was "What are you going to name the baby?" We of course were very tight lipped and always reponded that we didn't know and it will be a surprise for us to find out too! There was also the rush of people who wanted to rub the pregnant belly. But I didn't mind for the shower, they were all close friends and family - even if it does make you feel a bit like a budda belly that people rub for good luck.
We were very thankful that some people used the registry but we also got some very helpful items and cute baby clothes. Brooklynnut even shared her favorite baby items that most people don't even know they will need! I just wish I had had more time to spend with everyone especially Brooklynnut!
Now I just need to send out the TY's, organize all the clothes, get the rest of the necessities from the registry, wash the baby's clothes, blankets, bed linens - oh and I guess actually have the baby!
Thank you everyone for sending your love and best wishes!