Thursday, March 23, 2006

The blue and pink debate

It has become very common nowadays for doctors to tell an expectant couple the sex of their fetus. For a while I considered not wanting to know the sex.

When I talked to the husband about this a few years ago, he was almost upset because he thought it was inconsiderate to the family and friends who would be purchasing shower presents. If we knew the sex then people could purchase blue or pink clothes and the appropriate kind of disposable diapers. And also how should you decorate the room?

My feeling is that no matter what the sex of our future children happen to be I don't want them to be labeled from birth with color coding. Why can't people just be yellows, greens, tans, other pastels, can all be very acceptable for both sexes.

Girls are sugar and spice and everything nice - and boys are what . . . something to do with puppy dog tails. Who made this crap up? I don't want to label my children. I don't want them to be subjected to thousands of years of sexism upon their birth or even before the birth.

If a boy wants to wear lavender - who cares. If a girl wants to wear a fireman's costume - good for her!

All this said - I love surprises - and this would be the ultimate surprise. The husband wants to also know the sex because he is worried I will be disappointed with having a boy. If I were really that concerned with having a boy I would opt for artificial insemination with only X sperms that were already singled out in a lab. - Sex selection - that's another blog - reminds me of female infanticide in China or medieval times.

Lets just have happy healthy babies without the color coding!

So what will I do? I don't know ask me when I am pregnant.


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