Thursday, April 27, 2006


I didn't want to wake up this morning - I just wanted to continue my dream. I was dreaming that I had a baby - it was a boy and I was just so happy cooing to him and playing with him and changing his diaper while I worried about the dreaded "sprinkler effect". Of course there are no smells in dreams so it was odor free thankfully!

I just felt so much love in this dream for the baby! I guess maybe it means that it will be ok whether I have a girl or a boy. I think the husband was bit worried about that. He didn't want me to be disappointed with a boy. I don't think I would be - well maybe just a smidge but I am sure it would wear off as soon as I fell in love with the baby which I am sure would be immediately!

I just finished reading The Infertility Diet. I am not so sure if the husband will like the vegetarian diet but I think I will try a few recipies from it. Yum kale and wheat germ . . . well we'll see.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I Gave the Dr. the Boot

I told my Dr. that I was concerned about having a short Luteal Phase. I faxed her my charts (3 months worth all showing a LP of 8-9 days). Way to short for implantation to occur even if we did fertilize.

My Dr and I quote firmly stated "ALL LUTEAL PHASES LAST 14 DAYS." Well duh - a perfect one lasts 14-16 days but mine obviously aren't! Even a toddler who can count to 10 can count that on my chart!

So I called up the insurance agancy and gave my old Dr. the boot - I now have an appt with a OBGYN - my old Dr. was Internal Med. I can't wait to see what this new Dr. says when I go in with all my charts and tell her what my cycles are doing. I won't be one of those clueless patients who wonder in believing anything and everything the Dr. says!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I feel crazy

So I felt this last cycle and I am feeling it again. Just a general awareness and sensation around my Ovary/fallopian tube area on my right side. I am 5 DPO so it is way too early to be suspecting anything. And I am determined not to get my hopes up because there is nothing to be hopeful for . . .yet. Anyways my theory with low expectations is that I will be less disappointed when I find out I am not pregnant this cycle.

Still I have this strange feeling that is hard to describe. I must be crazy or something.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sex Selection?

Shettles Method which is based on the premise that sperm carrying the X and Y chromosomes have different characteristics and that you can influence the reproductive environment to favor one or the other. Here's how the theory goes:

It is the sperm that fertilizes the egg that will determine the sex of the baby. Some sperm carry the X-chromosome and some sperm carry the Y-chromosome. If an X-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a girl. If a Y-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a boy.

The idea behind the Shettles Method of sex selection is based on the premise that the X and Y chromosome carrying sperm have different characteristics and that under different circumstances either X- or Y-chromosome-carrying sperm will be more likely to fertilize the egg.

The Y-chromosome-carrying sperm are said to:
be faster and smaller than the X-chromosome carrying sperm.
die faster than the X-chromosome-carrying sperm.

The X-chromosome-carrying sperm are said to:
be slower than the Y-chromosome carrying sperm.
be better able to withstand the acidic cervical environment before fertile cervical fluid is produced.

Based on these premises, according to Shettles, you can time intercourse, choose a sexual position that favors conception of your preferred sex and influence the reproductive environment to increase the likelihood of conceiving your preferred sex. These are the suggestions from Dr. Shettles:

    To Get A Boy (According to Shettles):
  • Time intercourse as close to ovulation as possible: The idea is that since the Y-chromosome sperm are faster than the X-chromosome sperm, there will be more Y-chromosome sperm who reach the egg, making it more likely that a Y-chromosome carrying sperm will fertilize the egg.
  • Abstain from intercourse for four to five days prior to ovulation. Have intercourse only just at the time of ovulation and just before.
  • Have intercourse that allows for deep penetration. Shettles recommends rear-entry (aka, “doggy-style”). The idea is that the sperm will be deposited closer to the cervix where cervical fluid is most friendly to the Y-chromosome sperm and where the “boy sperm” are more likely to survive since there is less distance to travel.
  • Men avoid tight clothes: heat kills off both types of sperm, but will kill off the less protected, smaller Y-chromosome sperm faster, according to Shettles.
  • Women have an orgasm: According to Shettles, female orgasm increases the alkaline secretions in the vagina that are favorable to the Y-chromosome carrying sperm. Shettles recommends having an orgasm before or at the same time as the male partner.

    To Get a Girl (According to Shettles):
  • Have intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation and avoid intercourse just before ovulation until 2 days after ovulation and when you have peak cervical fluid: The idea is that when you have sex a few days before ovulation, only the X-chromosome “girl sperm” will be left in the female reproductive tract waiting to fertilize the egg when it is released.
  • Have intercourse with shallow penetration: Shettles recommends “missionary position”or any position that will deposit the sperm slightly away from the cervix, giving advantage to the longer living, but slower X-chromosome-carrying sperm.
  • Women avoid orgasm: Shettles suggests women avoid orgasm because it makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, and less acidic and is disadvantageous to the X-chromosome “girl sperm”.

Scientific References

My Take on This:
Whether or not the Shettles method is true couples have been wanting or trying sex selection for centuries and methods have ranged all the way from using harmless old wives' tales to the literal sex selection of only allowing certain sex babies to survive (Which I think is absolutely horrible!) My point is that people will try anything, even if it is as absurd as standing on your head after sex or not allowing yourself to enjoy sex by not allowing an orgasm. (If you are lucky enough to have an orgasm - I say go for it!)

That being said - I admit that I am part of this absurd crowd, so I guess I am no different than women from ages ago but just because I stayed laying down for an hour with my legs propped up on pillows or because we tried to time sex with ovulation doesn't make me a bad person! Just one who reads some research and tries a few strange things because we are TTC. It's amazing what you are willing to listen to and try when you are TTC!

So what do we want a boy or a girl? The politically correct answer of course is a healthy baby but I will admit I am not always politically correct. For the record we are hoping for a girl - but at this point I would just be thrilled to be pregnant. Although we tried to time it for a girl, my ovulation date changed and so now we have no clue what to expect. I guess IF we get pregnant this month it will be a surprise. Then the really burning question is if we will have the Dr. tell us the sex or if we will keep it a secret?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Conception Stories

It is my personal opinion that no one really wants to know the circumstances under which their parents conceived them. I think this would fall under TMI (Too Much Information).

Have your parents ever told you this info? My mom did - and all I could think was eeewwwwww! I think as far as most of us are concerned we never really want to think about our parents having sex. We would be happy just believing that the stork dropped us off at our parents home.

So here's my thought - I wonder, if I will remember the exact circumstances when our future children are conceived. I am sure I will. I hope that I don't emotionally scar my future children with TMI about their conception!

I'll just say that I found them in cabbage patch after the stork came by for a visit.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ok to be dissapointed

Today one of my coworkers told me that his wife is expecting. She is due at the end of August. At the same time I was happy and excited for them I found I was also sad.

A slow feeling of dissapointment and saddness washed over me. I want to be pregnant too . . . It was a little hard to keep my happy face on while feeling the expansive emptiness inside, while I kept talking to him.

Maybe someday . . . it will be me.