Tuesday, March 28, 2006


What is a good shower present? And how much do people usually spend at showers? I find myself contemplating this question not only because I hope to have my own shower since we are TTC but also because I am being invited to showers.

It is so interesting to go through a year or two of receiving wedding invitations and now start receiving the baby shower invitations!

I have been to my share of baby showers and I have seen people usually get smaller presents about $50 and less and maybe one or two of the big ticket items from the grandparents-to-be. This seems pretty standard for Ohio anyways but here in CA it seems to be a little different.

I guess all you can do in the end is work with the registry and hope for the best.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger logoANN said...

Call me cheap, but $50!
For a friend I didn't know well I'd go $25-$30 for the present before the cost of wrapping. For a family member I'd go $50. For a dear friend or CLOSE relative, like say a sister, I'd go for $50-$75. When you're an expecting grandparent, then you whip out the $100 gifts.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger logoANN said...

Aren't the parents registered somewhere?

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I was just at a shower two weeks ago and the gifts ranged in price from $100-$30. I know this sounds crazy, but I've gone to Nordstrom of all places and been able to buy three cute outfits for a girl for less than $50 total.

I think how much you spend depends on what you feel comfortable giving. If someone thinks you are being cheap then they are not a friend. It's the thought that counts not the amount.


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